
Cannabis and the aeroponic growing method

Hydroponic cannabis growing systems are very well known and in today’s article we will introduce the aeroponics growing system in more detail.

Aeroponics is the most modern but also the most expensive method of growing plants – including marijuana. It is a way to make cannabis cultivation more environmentally friendly and efficient. Find out how this growing method works and under what circumstances it pays off below.

History of aeroponics

aeroponic system and cannabis plants

Aeroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. The first soilless gardens were created in the 1920s. Scientists found it easier to view and study the root system when it was not hidden in soil. Aeroponics, like other indoor growing methods, hydroponics and aquaponics, remained only in laboratory conditions for another 50 years. In the 1970s, it began to be used for commercial and hobby growing.

What is aeroponics

aeroponic function

In an aeroponic growing system, the plants are suspended in a closed or semi-closed environment, called an aeroponic chamber. The roots hang freely behind a foam baffle and receive nutrients from a spray of water solution. The leaves and fruits (buds in the case of cannabis) are separated from the roots by a support system which includes an impermeable foam around the stem.

little cannabis plant in aeroponic system

The aeroponic chamber should ideally be hermetically sealed to prevent pests and diseases from entering. Since the roots in the chamber can be seen, the grower has a better view of the health of the plant and notices sooner when action is needed. So overall, plants grown aeroponically are healthier.

Unfortunately, no system is 100% closed, so aeroponic grow rooms still have to be monitored for pests and diseases. Roots are very susceptible in aeroponics, so if the aeroponic chamber were contaminated, the whole crop could be destroyed. You also have to be very careful about the water temperature of the nutrient water, which can kill the plants at higher temperatures. Aphids and root rot are the biggest threat to aero hydro systems.

Benefits of aeroponics

cannabis plant and roots in aeroponic pot
  • Aeroponic systems dramatically reduce water and fertiliser consumption.
  • Take up less space than soil because the roots don’t have to fight for space as much.
  • Aeroponic systems are efficient. plants are stronger, healthier and more vigorous.

Disadvantages of aeroponics

Of course, aeroponics does not only bring benefits.

  • The price. One of the drawbacks is that aeroponics is currently the most expensive method of growing marijuana. So it’s not used for large-scale cultivation. At least not yet.
  • The aeroponic system requires that the plants have constant access to atomized water and light. A power outage would have fatal consequences, so you need to get a backup power source for your already expensive system.
  • Aeroponics is not for beginners.

Will aeroponics change the cannabis industry?

growing solutions for aeroponics

Switching to aeroponics is neither easy nor cheap, but it is a great investment in the long run. Companies are trying to find ways to mitigate the upfront costs and the know-how required.

For hobby growers, many aeroponic systems are already available today, just browse through reputable hydroshops.

If more companies started using aeroponic systems, the hemp industry would be greener and the marijuana would be of higher quality. As a result, the price of marijuana to the end consumer could also decrease due to lower overhead costs.

The use of aeroponics is clearly a win-win situation for producers and their consumers.

The Paradox seeds strain is very suitable for aeroponic growing and can be purchased HERE.

Article source: softsecrets.com

Published by Kotelnik


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