12/09/2023 Guides

Cannabis Autoflowering: benefits and growing instructions

Cannabis Autoflowering
Cannabis Autoflowering varieties offer an array of advantages, from faster harvests to beginner-friendliness and discreet cultivation options.
06/09/2023 Guides

Mastering Cannabis Trimming: A Comprehensive Guide

Cannabis trimming, also known as manicuring, is the process of meticulously removing excess leaves, stems, and other unwanted plant material from the cannabis plant.
04/09/2023 Guides

What to do with moldy cannabis?

Cannabis and mould is a common issue that cannabis enthusiasts may encounter, whether they grow their own plants or purchase from a dispensary.
14/08/2023 Guides

Comprehensive Guide to Cannabis Fertilization: Boosting Growth and Yields

Cannabis fertilization is a dynamic and intricate process that significantly impacts your plant’s health, growth, and final yield.
11/07/2023 Automaton

How to Choose the Best Cannabis Seeds: Your Guide to Quality Hemp Seeds from Nuka Seeds

smiling cannabis grower choosing hemp seeds
knowing how to choose the best cannabis seeds is paramount. The type of seed you select sets the foundation for the health and productivity of your plant, and ultimately, the quality of the yield
25/06/2023 Community

The Rise of Autoflowering Cannabis Strains in Central Europe

In this article, we will explore the factors that have contributed to the widespread adoption of autoflowering cannabis strains and how they have become a game-changer in cultivation practices in Central Europe.
05/06/2023 Guides

Effect of Frost on Cannabis Cultivation

Frost is a meteorological event where a layer of ice forms on surfaces due to a drop in temperature below freezing point (0°C or 32°F).
20/05/2023 Guides

8 most common mistakes when growing cannabis

8 most common mistakes when growing cannabis
In this article we will look at the 8 most common mistakes when growing cannabis.
10/05/2023 Guides

Greenhouse Cannabis: A Comprehensive Guide to Cultivation

Cannabis cultivation has evolved significantly over the years, with greenhouse cannabis production becoming an increasingly popular method
06/05/2023 Guides

Vertical cannabis cultivation – why it can be better than regular growing techniques?

cannabis plants in shelves under the light
Have you ever tried Vertical cannabis cultivation method? It is really good and you might find it very useful. You should try it.
05/05/2023 Community

Cannabis seeds: the history and genetic evolution of cannabis

cannabis from dawn of civilization
Cannabis, a plant with many uses, attracts interest and fascination due to its history and genetic evolution. The seeds of the hemp plant, the basic element of the plant, are probably as old as civilisation itself. In this article, we look at the fascinating history and genetic evolution of the hemp plant, which has led to the creation of many unique varieties and the spread of cultivation around the world.
28/04/2023 Guides

How to control pests and diseases in cannabis plants

How to control pests and diseases in cannabis plants
Pests and diseases are an extremely annoying problem when cultivating cannabis, let’s take a look at how to deal with them.
25/04/2023 Guides

Equipment for indoor cannabis cultivation: basics for beginners

Equipment for indoor cannabis cultivation: basics for beginners
Growing cannabis requires specific equipment to ensure the plants receive the necessary light, nutrients, and environment to thrive. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the equipment for indoor cannabis cultivation that you will need.
22/04/2023 Guides

Cannabis cultivation: EC values for each stages

Cannabis cultivation: EC values for each stages
EC levels are essential for cannabis cultivation. Deviations from appropriate EC levels can cause nutrient deficiencies or nutrient toxicity, resulting in a number of problems. Let’s see what the correct EC is.
21/04/2023 Guides

What causes poor PH and what is the optimal PH level at different stages of cultivation cannabis?

Optimal PH level at different stages of cannabis?
What causes poor PH in your cannabis plants and what is optimal PH level vary at different stages of cultivation?
17/04/2023 Health

Terpen Geraniol: 4 medical benefits 

Terpen Geraniol: 4 medical benefits 
Discover the aroma, flavor, and potential medical benefits of the cannabis terpene Geraniol. Explore its properties and find out how Geraniol may complement the effects of cannabis.
15/04/2023 Health

Terpen Valencene : 4 therapeutic benefits

Terpen Valencene : 4 therapeutic benefits
Valencene has a unique chemical structure that gives it a range of potential therapeutic benefits. Let’s take a look at 4 of them.
06/04/2023 Guides

Essential Cannabis Trimming techniques for your cannabis plants

Guy Trimming Cannabis Plant transparent
Each cannabis variety expresses its personality in a different way, so it is essential to choose the right Cannabis Trimming technique on a case-by-case basis.
28/03/2023 Growreports

Paradox cannabis outdoor growreport

Paradox cannabis seeds logo
We bring you a growreport from one of our growers. See what you can expect from the feminised Paradox cannabis variety in average outdoor conditions.
26/03/2023 Guides

How to increase the trichomes production on cannabis

Maximize the production of trichomes on the cannabis plant to make your marijuana look beautiful and full of flavor.
23/03/2023 Guides

Cannabis plant anatomy : trichomes and their function

Cannabis hemp weed plant Polaris by Nuka Seeds
Let’s look at the cannabis plant anatomy. Specifically, the trichomes and their functions.