18/03/2023 Health

Cannabis allergies, their symptoms, identification and treatment

Cannabis allergies, their symptoms, identification and treatment
Are cannabis allergies a real thing? How do you know if you have it and how do you treat it?
15/03/2023 News

Special offer on cannabis seeds from Nukaseeds

Nukaseeds background layer made of leaves
There is a special offer from Nukaseeds for the upcoming season. Bonus seeds for the same price. Let season of growing begin.
14/03/2023 Guides

Growing cannabis in a greenhouse: What are the benefits?

Growing cannabis in a greenhouse: What are the benefits?
Why is growing cannabis in a greenhouse the perfect cultivation method used by the largest commercial growers?
11/03/2023 Guides

Hemp roots? easy recipes you can try today!

Hemp roots have been shown to have immense medicinal value as well as a number of unique uses
10/03/2023 Guides

3 factors that affect phase switching of cannabis plant

3 factors that affect phase switching of cannabis plant?
The phase switching of cannabis depends on many factors. Let’s take a look at three general factors affecting the start of flowering and the overall cultivation time of cannabis.
10/03/2023 Guides

Cannabis terpenes – what they are and what they do?

abstract view of cannabis terpenes
Have you ever heard of cannabis terpenes? Do you know what these little resin glands do and what is their purpoes? We will tell you that.
09/03/2023 Guides

How long does it take to grow cannabis?

How long does it take to grow cannabis? If you have never grown your own cannabis before, it can be an extremely fun and rewarding project.
08/03/2023 Guides

How much cannabis does one plant produce?

Every cannabis grower has two main goals. Obviously, they need to grow high quality plants. However, they also need to grow large plants in terms of weight.
06/03/2023 Guides

Brick cannabis – What it is and how to ?

Are you interested in brick cannabis? find out more in this article.
05/03/2023 Guides

Marihuana Growth Stages

Plants, like all other living organisms, go through different phases of growth and maturation.
04/03/2023 Guides

Molasses for cannabis – more than meets the eye.

Molasses has a long tradition among growers as a sufficient supplement for soil, flower weight and overall cannabis health.
28/02/2023 Guides

Beginner’s guide to cannabis varieties, genetics and breeding

Beginner's guide to cannabis varieties, genetics and breeding
Cannabis varieties breeding is the sexual propagation of cannabis plants by crossing two plants with each other. This can be done either with pure cannabis varieties or by crossing two hybrids. Cannabis breeding is usually done by experienced growers who want to create their own varieties. If you have become a fan of a particular variety and have sourced it
27/02/2023 Guides

Making hash from cannabis stalks

Today, though, we’re going to explain how to turn pot waste into a useful by-product. That’s right – we’re going to show you how to make hash from stalks.
19/02/2023 Guides

Cannabis Heat Stress

Cannabis plants, like other common plants, can only withstand a certain amount of heat/light, and excess heat can lead to heat stress and ultimately heat burn.
18/02/2023 Guides

How to water cannabis plants in the soil

Novice growers often ask themselves which is the best method for watering their cannabis crops in soil.
17/02/2023 Guides

Cannabis and nitrogen – When cannabis plants have yellow leaves

What to do if cannabis plants have yellow leaves? Why is nitrogen so important for growing cannabis?
14/02/2023 Guides

How to germinate cannabis seeds : instructions

The key to future growing success is to learn how to germinate cannabis seeds.
10/02/2023 Guides

Cannabis mould – how to prevent mould while storing marijuana?

cannabis mould on flowers in a glass jar
Do you know how to prevent cannabis mould and how to protect your marijuana flowers? Keep on reading, it might be really helpful for you.
04/02/2023 Guides

Indica and Sativa – The differences between cannabis types

Indica and Sativa - The differences between cannabis types
Cannabis varieties are commonly broken up into three groups: hybrid, indica and sativa. Most consumers use these weed types to predict effects, but are they accurate?
30/01/2023 Guides

What Do The Colors of Cannabis Mean?

Different Colours of Cannabis
Hemp is not limited to green shades.
24/01/2023 Guides

Will marijuana spoil and how long will it last?

Will marijuana spoil and how long will it last?
At some point, most stoners ask themselves the question: does marijuana spoil?? And how to keep marijuana fresh longer