16/02/2022 Cannabis

When to germinate marijuana seeds for outdoor cultivation

nuka cannabis seeds
How to know when is the ideal time to start sprouting hemp seeds?
15/02/2022 Cannabis

Smoking marijuana does not increase the risk of lung cancer

marijuana smoke in the lungs
The findings of recent studies clearly show that inhaling marijuana smoke is not carcinogenic and does not increase the risk of cancer.
14/02/2022 Cannabis

Cannabis and Hepatitis C – can marijuana help treat this disease?

liver fight off hepatitis c virus
Cannabis and hepatitis C – can marijuana help patients with this disease? Let’s take a look at the statements of experts.
13/02/2022 Cannabis

How to make hemp butter

butter and hemp
The preparation of cannabis butter is simple. However, you should expect it to take several hours to prepare.
11/02/2022 Cannabis

Hydro system aquaponia

hydroponic system aquaponia for cannabis
Have you heard about the aquaponics hydro system? If not, you can read more about this variant of hydrophonic method. We hope you will like it.
09/02/2022 Cannabis

Seeds-bank is the New Nukaseeds seller

Nukaseeds description from Seeds Bank
Traditional and original cannabis seed collector’s shop
08/02/2022 Cannabis

Manual and machine trimming of cannabis, witch is better?

Manual trimming cannabis bud
Anyone who has experience with growing cannabis has surely asked themselves if it is worth the work of trimming cannabis and in this article we will look at this issue.
04/02/2022 Cannabis

Nukaseeds has launched the sale of 3 piece cannabis seeds package

doypack for 3 pieces cannabis seeds seed bank Nukaseeds
We have created new packages with 3 cannabis seeds
03/02/2022 Cannabis

Let’s welcome our new partner – Cannado.org

preview of nukaseeds partner products - Cannado.org
Another seed shop has joined to the ranks of Nukaseeds partners. Welcome Cannado.org. Take a look what this cannabis shop offers.
03/02/2022 Cannabis

The wholesale company seeds-world.com has joined to Nuka family

seller nukaseeds seeds-world.com
Wholesaler Seeds-world.com has added Nuka Seeds products to their offer.
02/02/2022 Cannabis

Nuka cannabis strains are now listed on Seedfinder.eu

page seedfinder nukaseeds
If you’re looking for informations about cannabis strains, you can find most of them on SeedFinder
21/01/2022 Cannabis

Welcome to our partner section Cannaworld.cz

Welcome to our partner area Cannaworld.cz
21/01/2022 Cannabis

Another shop! Semenacannabis.cz

Introducing the new seed shop. Welcome, Semenacannabis.cz
19/01/2022 Cannabis

Welcome to a new partner – semenakonopi.cz

Nukaseeds added another seed shop. Semenakonopi.cz have the best marijuana seeds and are well known in the cannabis market.
13/01/2022 Cannabis

Seedshop Smoketime has just became our partner.

We have added more seed headshop to our partner zone – Smoketime
13/01/2022 Cannabis

Welcome to our partners – RuBaRu

Introducing the new Seed Wholesale. Welcome, RuBaRu.biz
12/01/2022 Cannabis

Seedsclub has just become our partner, let’s welcome them nicely.

We have add another seed shop into our partner zone – welcome Seedsclub.cz
11/01/2022 Cannabis

Another great seed shop from the Czech Republic has find its way to us Mojesemeno.cz

The store is focused on world-class cannabis seeds
11/01/2022 Cannabis

Another great seed shop has joined our ranks, welcome Nejseeds.cz

We have added another seed shop to our ranks. Welcome Nejseed.cz. We are looking forward to working with them.
10/01/2022 Cannabis

What affects the hardness of cannabis buds and how to increase it

cannabis nugets ultimate hard
There are a few factors affecting hardeness of your marijuana. If you want achieve hard buds, you have to choose a right strain and take care of plants healthy growth. Let´s look how to do it.
06/01/2022 Cannabis

A series on the pests that threaten cannabis plants, Thrips

thrip on a cannabis plant leave
You can find many pests on cannabis plants. Thrips are a thorn in the side of all cannabis growers. You shouldn’t underestimate them.