
Cannabis and longer life – truth or false?

Cannabis and longer life? Is it just a myth among marijuana users and growers? Let’s find out.

Life expectancy and cannabis

cannabis and longer life leafPart of the world of cannabis is research and the studies, scientific papers and analysis associated with it. According to public sources, as far back as the 1990s, the question of whether it was even possible for a person to live longer thanks to marijuana was being debated. Unfortunately, however, this work did not reach the public.

This scientific work may not have seen the official light of day, but it has made its way onto the internet. The study highlighted the results of tests in which rats were given THC at different doses. At the end of the experiment, it was found that rats with THC levels had a “greater chance of survival.”

An interesting final finding, but the researchers noted at the time not to take it too seriously. That “better life situation for the rats” at the time was not necessarily attributed to the effects of THC, but other factors may have played a role. For example, body weight, appetite, food intake, stress levels and many others.

Whatever the case, it was very clear in this study that the rats given THC lived significantly longer than those not given THC.

The effects of cannabis could help

prescription ganja in a doseThe researchers then wondered what exactly could have elevated the life expectancy of the rats. So they looked at it from a different perspective and thought that the positive effects of marijuana might be behind it.

To put it very simply: it is still not certain that we can live longer by using cannabis, but the commonly known effects of the plant have an effect on overall health, and it is precisely these effects that could account for the long life.

Marijuana is very effective in relieving stress and anxiety levels. This has an impact on people’s lives, as we very often hear of people whose stress surges have caused serious health complications. You can put weakened immunity, high blood pressure, memory and sleep disorders in this category.

Research on medical cannabis for longevity

Cannabis is quite often used in the treatment of serious illnesses. A good example is the treatment of cancer. This disease brings with it many side effects that make the overall situation worse (nausea, insomnia, vomiting, etc.). Marijuana reliably alleviates these side effects and in some cases even eliminates them.

Cannabis also gives hope to people with epilepsy. Its effects help with intestinal problems, arthritis, insomnia and more.

All the health problems mentioned have a negative effect on our overall health, thus actually shortening our lives. So, when cannabis alleviates these complications, in a way it prolongs life.

Cannabis and human brain

Marihuana protect brain cellsThe nervous system is another place where cannabis can show its healing abilities. Quite interesting is the research where marijuana can prevent brain aging.

This is exactly what was found out in late 2017. In this study, researchers observed and compared brain activity in mice that were given a daily dose of THC with those that did not receive THC. If you thought the mice with THC had more pronounced brain activity, you hit it on the head.

This research stated that THC and other cannabinoids promote brain activity. According to them, this would help break down the “slow mind” that is part and parcel of aging.

hemp protect brain

Other research has focused on a different aspect of nervous system functioning, namely brain disorders. Scientists believe that marijuana can prevent the degeneration of brain tissue that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

As well as physical, mental disorders lead to a possible shortening of the human lifespan. Here too, cannabis can and does have an impact on human lifespan.

Cannabis and longer life – yes or no?

However, we have to realise that there is no other drug that will directly prolong our lives, unless we are talking about drugs for a specific disease that shortens life, and in the light of that fact we can conclude that marijuana improves the quality of life and its length with minimal risk of negative consequences.

Published by Jan Veselý


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