Hempcrete! Cannabis is a plant that is often unfairly demonized around the world. I’m sure you know that there are many more products that can be made from this plant than just luxury marijuana 🙂 Let’s take a look at hempcrete. At the Konopex hemp fair in Ostrava, a guy from Mabeko who works with hempcrete stopped by the Nukaseeds booth and I was very impressed. After this visit I dove into researching hempcrete and you can read some brief information below.

What is hempcrete made of
The basis for the production of hempcrete is hemp shives (which is a material that is extracted from the stems of cannabis plants) is mixed with special lime and water. These three raw materials are mixed together in a special mixer and hempcrete is born.
What are the properties of hemp material in simple terms
- hempcrete is non-flammable and resists moisture
- it is more flexible and lighter than conventional concrete or bricks
- it is resistant to mould, fungi, insects and rodents
- has exceptional isolation, accumulation and sorption properties
- very durable natural material
- CO2 negative building material
Hempcrete is beginning to be used in the world in a big way, but what I have read is that it is most popular in Australia where hemp houses are printed. Thanks to this technology of 3D printing it is possible to build houses with unprecedented curves that previously architects could only dream of. I was also captivated by the fact that hempcrete can reduce the cost of heating (cooling) a house by up to 70% (depending on the construction technology used).
The technology of hempcrete has been known in the world for a long time, but its use is hampered by countries where it is not possible to grow industrial hemp, which is the main raw material. Anyway, in my opinion, and I am optimistic, this will change and people will want to save energy as much as possible and hempcrete in the construction of buildings is absolutely a great material.
There are a lot of companies on the world market that deal with this great building material, you just need to find the right one for you and you can start the project.
Read more about hempcrete here
Author of article : Premysl Simonik
Published by Kotelnik
20/05/2022choose and buy cannabis seeds from our offer
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Hemp house is my dream 🙂