
When to germinate marijuana seeds for outdoor cultivation

How to know when is the ideal time to start sprouting hemp seeds?

When we can already feel spring outside the windows

Winter is receding and the first rays of spring signal the arrival of spring, which for many cannabis growers signals the most anticipated event of the year. That’s right, it’s the start of the marijuana growing season.

Some ganja growers are looking forward to testing out their newly loaded growing techniques that they have studied over the winter. Growing outdoors then, like most cannabis growers, you’ll be harvesting huge quantities of ganja so that your winter supplies will be plentiful. But this is preceded by good preparation. When you start germinating your cannabis seeds will also be crucial for the coming months.

When to germinate marijuana seeds for outdoor cultivation

Don’t be fooled by the first rays of spring and don’t start sprouting cannabis seeds straight away, as this may be too early.

But don’t worry, we’ll give you some tips to help you choose the best germination time for your ganja seeds.

1. Don’t be hasty in growing marijuana

Yes, I’m sure all of us have experienced it. All winter long you look forward to the sun coming out, the weather outside getting warmer and you can see yourself planting marijuana seeds in your garden. Don’t ever be tempted so early, as the weather in spring is quite fickle and can surprise you very unpleasantly.

marijuana plant from nuka seed

Has anyone ever told you that the sooner you plant cannabis seeds, the sooner you will harvest large marijuana plants? Don’t believe it, it’s nonsense.

Planting marijuana seeds earlier will never guarantee you a bigger or faster cannabis harvest. That’s why more experienced cannabis growers already know that they have to be patient, and that’s why they wait for the right moment when the weather is already settled.

You must always bear in mind that the cannabis plant is tiny, fragile and delicate once it has germinated from the seed. And if you don’t want it to die you need to give it plenty of warmth and sunlight.

If you think that planting autoflowering cannabis varieties will help you, you are mistaken, because if you rush and plant them early, the results will also be disastrous.

Even though the life cycle of autoflowering cannabis varieties is around 2.5 months, it is important to maintain good enough conditions for growth for the first 14 days, otherwise you will get a blockage. And even if the sun starts to shine after that, which could get them going again, it’s usually too late.

So whether you plan to plant autoflowering or feminised cannabis seeds, avoid germinating and then planting cannabis too early.

2. Consider the climate in your area

young Nuka marijuana plant planted outside

The time at which you start sprouting cannabis seeds depends a lot on the climate you live in.

So what is the right time to germinate cannabis seeds? You can either make a common sense decision and see if the weather is already warm and stable, or you can do more research and study old weather records to see which date would be best. In the Nordic countries it may be safe to plant cannabis at the end of May, in central Europe it is usually early to mid-May and in the south can be planted up to a month earlier.

3. Watch as the cannabis growing season begins?

Nuka seeds and mature marijuana plants in flowers

If you’re new to growing outdoor cannabis and aren’t sure when to start planting, ask a regional fellow growers if you can.

If you don´t know anyone, then you have to study historical weather data and follow forecasts.

4. A few words in conclusion

Start germinating your cannabis seeds as soon as the weather outside is nice with a steady supply of sunshine. The night temperature must not be less than 14 degrees Celsius.

autoflower cannabis plants in the field

Plant your plants on the south side, so that there is no obstacle between them and the south that could shade them (trees, buildings, hills, etc.) They should get at least 12 hours of sunlight a day.

If you haven’t bought your cannabis seeds yet, take a look at our NukaSeeds range where you’re sure to find the freshest marijuana seeds.

The time for planting marijuana seeds is slowly but surely approaching.

Published by Peca Sarm


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