27/01/2023 Articles

Flushing hemp plants before harvest may be unnecessary

Flushing hemp plants before harvest may be unnecessary
In a blind taste test, researchers found that many people prefer marijuana that has not been flushed before harvest. So how about flushing hemp plants before harvest ?
27/01/2023 Articles

Pregnant cannabis – users should know about toxicology tests.

pregnant woman with cannabis leaves
What to know about toxicology tests ? Pregnant cannabis users face stigma and stress over the possibility of losing custody of their child, all because they are medicating with a plant that is still illegal at the federal level. Despite the legal status of cannabis in every state, the federal classification prevails when it comes to the local child protection
26/01/2023 Articles

What exactly to do after harvesting cannabis

harvesting marijuana happy young rastagirl celebration
What exactly to do after harvesting cannabis? Explore the pitfalls of post-harvest storage and processing, drying and ripening of cannabis flowers.
26/01/2023 Articles

Why do you cough after smoking cannabis?

Almost all smokers experience coughing while smoking cannabis.
25/01/2023 Articles

Cannabis and alcohol : Is smoking cannabis or drinking alcohol more addictive?

Cannabis and alcohol : Is smoking cannabis or alcohol more addictive?
Cannabis and alcohol. Which is more addictive, smoking cannabis or drinking alcohol? You can probably guess the answer, but let’s take a closer look at this topic.
25/01/2023 Articles

Cannabis and LGBTQ – Are LGBTQ people more likely to smoke cannabis than heterosexuals?

hemp leaf in LGBTQ colours
A growing number of surveys and studies say this.
24/01/2023 Articles

Will marijuana spoil and how long will it last?

Will marijuana spoil and how long will it last?
At some point, most stoners ask themselves the question: does marijuana spoil?? And how to keep marijuana fresh longer
24/01/2023 Articles

Best Pot Size for Cannabis Grow

Pots come in all shapes and sizes, but which ones should you use for growing? Read on for some tips on the best pot sizes for your cannabis plants.
23/01/2023 Articles

What is the best temperature and humidity in the grow room?

What is the best temperature and humidity in the grow room?
Successful cannabis cultivation requires certain tools, tactics and techniques. Knowing the best temperature and humidity in the grow room is a good start.
23/01/2023 Articles

Marijuana and deacidification – 5 tips to clean your body with cannabis

nukaseeds deacidify the body with marijuana
We have prepared some simple tips for you on how to de-acidify your body with cannabis.
22/01/2023 Articles

The best hydroponic methods for growing cannabis

The best hydroponic methods for growing cannabis
Are you thinking about growing cannabis without using soil ? This article will show you the best hydroponics methods for growing cannabis indoors or in a greenhouse.
22/01/2023 Articles

Cannabis for sleeping

cannabis helps with sleep
How does cannabis help with sleep? find out everything in this article!
21/01/2023 Articles

Growing weed: guide for beginners

Have you decided to grow weed for the first time ? Then we have the perfect growing weed guide for begginers that might help you.
21/01/2023 Articles

Cannabis outdoor light ? How much light do outdoor cannabis plants need?

cannabis and sunshine
If your goal is to get the highest yield possible, you need to make sure your cannabis plants get plenty of sunlight. But how much light does a plant really need? Is there such a thing as “too much light”? That’s the question we’ll answer below.
21/01/2023 Articles

Cloning cannabis cells with up to 12 times the potency by Israeli company

Cloning cannabis cells
Using a bioreactor, an Israeli company has cloned hemp cells to cultivate them into a powdered biomass that contains all the active cannabis ingredients and can be increased to twelve times the potency. Not to be confused with the horticultural practice of cloning, Rehovot, Israel-based BioHarvest Sciences clones on a cellular level.
20/01/2023 Articles

Growreport on indoor Polaris in crystal skull

Polaris indoor
We bring you a growreport on indoor Polaris by grower zoobzoob23 from Growdiaries. He has taken an artistic and original approach to growing. Check it out!
20/01/2023 Articles

A Quarter of People With Chronic Pain Use Cannabis

This interesting finding was made by researchers at the University of Michigan.
18/01/2023 Articles

Cannabis legalization – Hawaii plans to legalize marijuana in 2023

Hawaii is about to legalize cannabis
While some states on the mainland sell cannabis for recreational use, in Hawaii, advocates and legislators are preparing for adults to be able to use cannabis in their state.
16/01/2023 Articles

Is cannabis addictive?

is cannabis addictive?
Anti-drug activists would have you believe that marijuana is addictive and will ruin your life. It doesn’t. On the contrary, some stoners will convince you that there is no danger of addiction, but even that is not entirely true. Cannabis is not completely safe in this respect, but different levels of addiction need to be taken into account.
14/01/2023 Articles

Cannabis tea relieves pain, helps with depression and aids digestion

hemp tea nukaseeds
What are the benefits of drinking cannabis tea? You will be surprised at what it can relieve you from.
13/01/2023 Articles

Baba Yaga Growreport

Baba Yaga logo
We have a growreport on the cannabis variety Baba Yaga. Do you like this novice grower’s work? It’s good for a first time growing an autoflower outdoors.