23/02/2023 Cannabis

How to make Kief tea: two ways to make a strong drink

Have you ever wondered what to do with the powder that accumulates at the bottom of the grinder
23/02/2023 Cannabis

Vaporizing marijuana : 3 vaporizer types

Vaporizing marijuana : 3 vaporizer types
How do you choose the right vaporizer type from the amazing range that is now available?
22/02/2023 Cannabis

Start growing cannabis ? Why should you start today?

There are many reasons to grow your own cannabis, now is the best time to give it a try!
21/02/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis may help migraine sufferers

Cannabis may help migraine sufferers
Do you suffer from migraines? If so, you should know that cannabis may help migraine sufferers.
21/02/2023 Cannabis

Potassium deficiency in cannabis : how to recognise and treat it?

Get all the knowledge you need to successfully combat a potassium deficiency from this article.
20/02/2023 Cannabis

Cleansing with cannabis : How cannabis can help you reduce alcohol consumption

Cleansing with cannabis : How cannabis can help you reduce alcohol consumption
Cleansing with cannabis may sound strange to some, but when compared to alcohol, the overuse of which is very destructive to humans, we can talk about a form of healthier alternative.
20/02/2023 Cannabis

How to prevent heat stress in cannabis

How to prevent heat stress Heat stress among cannabis plants can cause many problems. However, with a little patience and effort you will find that there are many ways to help plants withstand higher temperatures or recover from previous heat damage. Before growing cannabis One of the best things you can do to prevent heat stress is to grow the
19/02/2023 Cannabis

Bongs : Types and parts of water pipes

Bongs : Types and parts of water pipes
Bongs are one of the most common forms of cannabis consumption, especially dried flower. Let’s take a look at the types and parts of bongs.
19/02/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis Heat Stress

Cannabis plants, like other common plants, can only withstand a certain amount of heat/light, and excess heat can lead to heat stress and ultimately heat burn.
18/02/2023 Cannabis

5 ways cannabis can help with Alzheimer’s disease

5 ways cannabis can help with Alzheimer's disease
The therapeutic potential of cannabis in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease was one of the first known medical uses of cannabis. Today, we know more about the specific effects and their mechanisms, so here are 5 ways cannabis can help with Alzheimer’s disease.
18/02/2023 Cannabis

How to water cannabis plants in the soil

Novice growers often ask themselves which is the best method for watering their cannabis crops in soil.
17/02/2023 Cannabis

Why does marijuana make you laugh?

Why does marijuana make you laugh?
In addition to the dopamine release response, there are other mechanisms that make marijuana make you laugh, and we’ll look at those today.
17/02/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis and nitrogen – When cannabis plants have yellow leaves

What to do if cannabis plants have yellow leaves? Why is nitrogen so important for growing cannabis?
17/02/2023 Cannabis

How can cannabis alleviate progression of ALS?

How can cannabis alleviate progression of ALS?
Some exciting new evidence suggests that using cannabis to treat ALS may actually prolong a patient’s life and alleviate their symptoms.
16/02/2023 Cannabis

Alternaria in cannabis plants

Alternaria is a genus of fungi in the ascomycete family. Species of the genus Alternaria are known to be major plant cannabis pathogens
15/02/2023 Cannabis

How to live with a partner who does not use cannabis

How to live with a partner who does not use cannabis
It’s just after Valentine’s Day, and with it the start of new relationships and the strengthening of old ones. That’s why today we look at how to live with a partner who does not use cannabis.
15/02/2023 Cannabis

5 promising cannabis studies exploring how cannabinoids interact with the human body

5 promising cannabis studies exploring how cannabinoids interact with the human body
Here are 5 promising studies on cannabis that examine the interaction of different cannabinoids with the human body.
14/02/2023 Cannabis

How to germinate cannabis seeds : instructions

The key to future growing success is to learn how to germinate cannabis seeds.
13/02/2023 Cannabis

Can cannabis help with arthritis?

Can cannabis help with arthritis?
Arthritis is an unpleasant and often unavoidable disease that often leads to severe symptoms. Studies show that cannabis helps with arthritis and its symptoms.
13/02/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis and weight loss ? – New cannabis extract shows potential weight loss properties

Cannabis extract could be the new key to weight loss and body mass index control.
12/02/2023 Cannabis

Is your endocannabinoid system in balance?

Is your endocannabinoid system in balance?
Balance is a crucial factor in our physical and mental health. Is your endocannabinoid system in balance?