05/03/2023 Cannabis

Marihuana Growth Stages

Plants, like all other living organisms, go through different phases of growth and maturation.
04/03/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis plant – 3 ways how to use cannabis stems

abstract view of a cannabis stems
Are you tired of having to many cannabis stems left? Do not worry, because we have few tips how to use these parts of cannabis plants.
04/03/2023 Cannabis

Molasses for cannabis – more than meets the eye.

Molasses has a long tradition among growers as a sufficient supplement for soil, flower weight and overall cannabis health.
04/03/2023 Cannabis

5 things chemically similar to a cannabis high

5 things chemically similar to a cannabis high
We bring you 5 things that act more or less like a cannabis high. 4 of them relate to humans and the last to wild tigers and domestic ones as well.
03/03/2023 Cannabis

How to decarboxylation cannabis ?

Decarboxylation is a process that actives the psychoactive compounds in the cannabis plant so that you feel high when you consume it.
02/03/2023 Cannabis

3 advantages of preparing cannabis edibles using the Sous-Vide method

3 advantages of preparing cannabis edibles using the Sous-Vide method
Did you know that the sous-vide method of preparing cannabis edibles is the ideal way to save you time, energy and nerves?
02/03/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis and Coffee: how they affect your health?

abstract view of cannabis and coffee
Cannabis and coffee are very popular these days. How they work togehter and what is their effect on human body? Find out more.
02/03/2023 Cannabis

Dosage of homemade cannabis edibles : potency calculation

Dosage of homemade cannabis edibles
What is the most accurate way to dose homemade cannabis edibles? And how long after taking edibles can I expect effects ?
01/03/2023 Cannabis

Stretching in cannabis seedlings: why is that a problem?

However, if you notice that your young plant is rapidly stretching upwards while looking thin and weak, this type of growth indicates a problem.
28/02/2023 Cannabis

4 differences between marijuana concentrates and flowers

4 differences between marijuana concentrates and flowers
Are you confused about marijuana concentrates and the differences from regular flower consumption? Let´s take a closer look.
28/02/2023 Cannabis

Does Chewing cannabis Stems Get You High?

If you’ve ever run out of cannabis, you may have considered smoking or even chewing the remains of the cannabis plant
28/02/2023 Cannabis

Beginner’s guide to cannabis varieties, genetics and breeding

Beginner's guide to cannabis varieties, genetics and breeding
Cannabis varieties breeding is the sexual propagation of cannabis plants by crossing two plants with each other. This can be done either with pure cannabis varieties or by crossing two hybrids. Cannabis breeding is usually done by experienced growers who want to create their own varieties. If you have become a fan of a particular variety and have sourced it
27/02/2023 Cannabis

Making hash from cannabis stalks

Today, though, we’re going to explain how to turn pot waste into a useful by-product. That’s right – we’re going to show you how to make hash from stalks.
26/02/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis extracts: 5 methods of extraction of cannabinoids and terpenes

Cannabis extracts are becoming increasingly popular, let’s talk about the 5 most used methods used in bulk extraction of cannabis.
26/02/2023 Cannabis

Sorethroat caused by smoking cannabis : how to treat and prevent it

Why does my throat burn after smoking cannabis? Let’s take a closer look and find out what the causes are and how to prevent it.
25/02/2023 Cannabis

Cleaning bong : guide to cleaning a glass bong

Cleaning bong : guide to cleaning a glass bong
Keeping a bong clean is much easier and cheaper than you might think. Check out this guide to glass cleaning bong.
25/02/2023 Cannabis

Cannabis and nutrient burning ? how to fix it ? What is it ?

Have you noticed that the leaf tips of your cannabis plants are turning brown, drying out and curling up at the ends? If you have noticed these symptoms, your plants may be suffering from nutrient burn.
24/02/2023 Cannabis

Properties of marijuana joint – Joint vs. vape and bong

Joint vs. vape and bong : Properties of a marijuana joint
Let’s take a look at the real scientific basis of the marijuana joint and the properties of the marijuana joint smoking compared to vape and bong
24/02/2023 Cannabis

Transplanting cannabis : everything you need to know

Repotting is an important technique for every marijuana grower, whether they grow indoors or outdoors.
23/02/2023 Cannabis

Can I be hostile after marijuana use?

Can I be hostile or after marijuana use?
According to some small studies, people can be grumpy or hostile after marijuana use.
23/02/2023 Cannabis

Jak připravit čaj Kief: dva způsoby přípravy silného nápoje

Přemýšleli jste někdy, co dělat s práškem, který se hromadí na dně mlýnku?